Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pumpkins and More

We kicked off the season with a trip to one of the many awesome farms in our area.  The farm we'd been visiting every year for pumpkin picking no longer offered this opportunity, so we headed for a new, unknown one.  And, oh boy, am I happy with the one we picked.  Between the pumpkin slingshot (!), the Living Playground, the 3 Sisters Spiral Maze, the House of Hay, and being one of only two families visiting that day, we had a blast!

G prepped and ready to fire with our "ammo".

J taking a shot.

Utilizing the weight of Baby #4 and a bit of flexibilty, I managed to score the title of "First Person to Hit the Target" and a free pumpkin!  Whoohoo!

G and J working together.

And it's off.

A's one-handed technique.

Another shot.

The five -- plus one -- of us.

Iver looking delicious.

My trio of cuteness -- with two lounging (?) scarecrows.

M enjoying the tractor.