Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stroller Snooze

After an afternoon of hanging out with Tyler and Scout followed by a non-sleeping "nap", I buckled the kiddos into the jogger for a spin around the neighborhood. Within a few minutes both were sound asleep. I'm still waiting for someone to zip me around in a jogger with suspended seats, a sunshade, reading material, snacks within hands-reach, and permission to snooze as I please. Anyone?

Monday, April 13, 2009


Anders and Jorja have learned to "smile" for the camera. Over the last several days, both kiddos have created these amazingly hilarious on-demand smiles whenever the camera makes an appearance.

I can't say that I've ever seen Anders "smile" quite like this.

Post-spaghetti dinner "smile".

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bunch O' Bunnies

In addition to the Easter Egg Hunt on tennis courts at our local community center, a trip to the library, and an Easter morning journey through the Children's Museum, there've been more bunny-centered developments this Easter weekend.

Anders turned into a bunny.

And Jorja feel in love with two by the names of Patsy and Cline. Nice, huh?