Sunday, December 26, 2010

It really is about the kiddos.

Our Christmas included three fabulous kids -- Anders, Jorja, and Jordan (and four moms and Grandma Ruth). In addition to a day of unwrapping, feasting, and conversation we made our way over to "Our Park" for a medley of activities -- owl hooting, kickball, football, and general romping around.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sledding Galore

With school closures, ample snow, and bright sunny skies, we headed over to our neighborhood park to put our sleds to work. Gailyn, Julie, and Jordan met us at our place and we tromped, pulled, and slid our way over to the beckoning snow-blanketed hills.

The varying facial expressions in these photos tell a story of both exhilaration -- mostly on the part of the kiddos -- and terror -- mostly on the part of the adults. What a blast!

Our initial arrival and a wave from Gailyn, Julie, and Meg.

Jordan taking the first run.

Julie and Jorja following suit.

Absolute approval from Miss Jorja.

Gailyn and Anders in the midst of their first run.

Pummeling Anders with the snow my brakes boots are kicking up -- oops!

Meg and Jorja zooming away.

Anders and I try again.

Gailyn and Jorja give it a whirl.

Meg grasping one the kiddos -- who's tucked away in there? -- in hopes of slowing down?

Meg and I on our way to one close call after another.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Big 37

A, J, and I (and Whole foods) whipped up an awesome carrot cake with an undetermined number of candles to celebrate Meg's first birthday with us. Placing the candles, lighting the wicks, and licking the frosting off the candles were definitely the highlights for the kiddos. Meg and I enjoyed a week's worth of delicious cake.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Visiting with Grandma

A few weeks ago we -- the kiddos and me -- headed south for an overdue visit with Grandma (and Auntie too). Anders and Jorja had a blast spending time with Grandma --evident in their 5am wake-time, absence of naps, and later bed-time. The kiddos really know how to make the most out of a short weekend with one of the people they love the best...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pumpkin Carving At Its Best

On Sunday, we plunged into full-blown pumpkin carving -- complete with pumpkin-carvers, spoons, knives, and newspaper. Anders and Jorja were a bit unsure about the messiness of reaching into the pumpkins to scoop out the innards, but certainly enjoyed the "design" process for each pumpkin. It's been a treat to see them glowing after bath each night.

Meg joining in the carving excitement.

Jorja thoroughly enjoying her pumpkin.

My cat pumpkin -- which was promptly nibbled on by the squirrels.

Anders wiping pumpkin from his face.

Post-carving fun in jackets, pj's, and rain boots.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Story Time

Denni -- our amazing friend and kidsitter -- headed off to bilingual story time at the library with Anders and Jorja in tow. This is a typical activity for the three of them, but this time the kiddos went as Dragon and Panda. Apparently the theme for the hour was teddy bears and some of the other children were more interested in hugging Panda than listening to the read alouds.

Heading out...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Beverly Cleary

Back in July, the kiddos and I headed south to visit Grandma. We spent an afternoon zooming around the Beverly Cleary Sculpture Garden -- A and J in their undies -- running between Ramona, Henry, and Ribsy. I loved those books.

I know these pictures are from a few months ago, but my mom has been on my mind. On the evening before your final round of chemotherapy, these pictures are for you.

We love you.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This morning Jorja decided she wanted to wear a recently acquired jumper (thanks Grandma) to preschool -- and Anders followed suit. Jumpers to celebrate Grandma Ruth's 66th Birthday!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pumpkins (Plus Updates)

We -- along with the Nicholas and Raleigh Clan -- headed out of the city to a favorite farm for pumpkin picking this morning. Fueled with tiny donuts and apple cider, we managed to roam the pumpkin patch, hop on a hay ride, socialize with the farm animals, and play with toy trucks in a heaping pile of dirt.

On a side note, I have a couple of updates. First, I've found my way back into the world of education teaching middle school Language Arts and Social Studies at a small private school and am thoroughly enjoying the contrast from my initial years of teaching. Second, we've purchased a home in a new neighborhood with ample opportunities to walk and/or bike to amenities. Lastly, the kiddos have started preschool and love it. Transition all around.