Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Budget Conscious Momma

Most folks who see Anders and Jorja on a regular basis know that I tend to purchase oversized clothing for them. There's this frugal impulse that seems to take hold of me when I'm in the midst of buying them clothing. Questions begin to swirl around in my head. Does the temporary inconvenience of rolled-up sleeves and pant legs really warrant the purchase of a smaller, soon to be out-grown, size? Is the extra toe room in these new sneakers going to stunt the progress of this child's mobility? Is the largeness of this new parka going to inadvertently suffocate this child? Of course not.

And here they are blissfully frolicking around the yard in their oversized parkas and one and a half sizes too big sneakers.


tg said...

I think the rolled up sleeves make for nice color contrast on the jackets. :)

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with being budget conscious, but I can't help but wonder by the time the parkas fit, might it be summer? LOL

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being budget conscious. I can't help but wonder though, when the parka size correlates with their ages, might it be summer? LOL

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my computer said the first one didn't go through. Crazy commenter!