Monday, December 1, 2008

The Santa Train

On Sunday morning, the morning after our return from our trek south for the holiday, we headed east to ride The Santa Train and meet Santa and all of his little helpers. The actual train rides to and from Santa and The Gang were awesome -- it was the waiting in line to board the train, the waiting in line to visit Santa and The Gang, the waiting in line to get hot cocoa and cookies, the waiting in line to use the restroom, and the waiting in line to re-board the train that made me question the age appropriateness of The Santa Train. Regardless of what you might be waiting in line for, it just isn't fun with 16 month old twins.

Anders beckoning us all to "Get A Move On!".

Jorja, fresh baked cookie in hand, checking out the trains.

Jorja, fresh baked cookie in mouth, feeling the queasiness of too many sweets.

Anders soaking in the views from the train.

Joe, our fantastic 6 year old friend, hanging with Anders.

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