Monday, July 12, 2010

The Other Coast

Following my graduation, I boarded a plane and headed to Massachusetts to spend time with Meg and her family and friends before her West Coast relocation. With humid 90+ degree weather we spent lots of time outside -- and inside -- sweating profusely. Which, of course, warranted all of the beach side lounging, forested hiking, and abundant consumption of cold beverages that took place throughout the week. If only the kiddos and my mom, the forever in-demand Grandma, had been there as well...

Meg braving the cold water -- in contrast to the mid-90 degree air -- in her hometown.

An opportunity to wear my Polka Dot bikini!

Beach babes.

Meg's hometown. Not quite like mine.

A trail in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.


Meg, posing for an REI shoot(?), at our final destination.

Meg icing her 2 week post-op knee.

I have no idea what is going on in this photo.

Gorgeous lady -- various dirt deposits on her face and all.

Meg's current workplace at Harvard soon to be replaced by the Pacific Northwest.

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