Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Stop Talking To Me. I'm Busy."

After a recent whirlwind grocery shopping trip, Jorja decided to plop herself down in the middle of our living room and browse one of our big, glossy coffee-table type books. When asked if she'd like her jacket off, a snack, or a read-aloud, she replied with a dramatic, "Stooop talking to me. I'm bussssy." Anders proceeded to use this opportunity to sit a few feet away on a rocking horse and bombard her with statements to which Jorja repeatedly replied, "Stooop talking to me. Can't you seeeee I'm reading?"

Where does this child get this from?

So frustrated with our "interruptions", Jorja lies back in defeat.

Back up and reading.

The scenario -- Anders talking and rocking, Jorja reading and being indignant.

1 comment:

Wanderlust said...

Where does she get it from???? Hmmm...I think that might come from her mother's side! I love the first photo - very dramatic and Jorja-ish!