Friday, October 7, 2011


This morning we trekked east for our annual pumpkin picking adventure. We weren't able to hop on a hay ride or feast on donut holes, but we certainly had a great time zooming around the fields, zipping through the hay maze, sucking on honey sticks, and checking out the farm animals.

Admiring the already picked pumpkins.

Straw bale seats.

Anders, Jorja, Nicholas, and Raleigh exploring the farm stand.

I love Fall City Farm.

Beautiful pumpkins...

Eric lovin' the cow.

Scouting for edibles.

Wheeling down to the fields.

Meg in the midst of the kiddos.

Raleigh finds his perfect pumpkin.

Jorja finds her perfect pumpkin.

Meg's workout for the day.

Post-pumpkin picking puddle jumping.

1 comment:

tg said...

Love it! I think I gotta get Scout out there for her first pumpkin picking outing next weekend.